Kudu does not offer a ‘one size fits all’ service. We are here to help you achieve your wellbeing goals. Our two main approaches are Springboard and Deep Dive, which we can tailor according to your wishes and, also, the size, needs, and capacity of your organisation. We also offer training and support for sole traders and microbusinesses (less than 10 people).


Suitable for smaller organisations, or as a first step for larger organisations

You can pick and mix from the wide variety of interventions we have available.

For example

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    One-off talks
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    Articles for your staff newsletter
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    Pop-up stands for awareness days
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    Wellbeing workshops
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    One-to-one training for managers
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    Training for your wellbeing champions
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    Training for your mental health first aiders
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    Team-building days

The idea of the Springboard option is to help you launch your wellbeing programme, or supplement your existing programme. After an initial discussion where you decide which interventions you’d like, we organise these into a one-off event or a short series of events. After this, you’ll be in a better position to gauge how to move forward. For example, you might continue under your own steam, or choose further Kudu services, such as monthly support or a Deep Dive.


Geared towards larger organisations who want a long-term wellbeing strategy

If you would like to develop and implement a long-term wellbeing strategy, this is the better option. You may wish to focus on your whole organisation or to target a specific part of it. Also, you may prefer Kudu to play a leading role or to help from the side-lines.

Your deep dive is likely to take several months and will typically cover:

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    Audit, assessment, and gap analysis
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    Help to develop your draft action plan
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    Presentation of your strategy and action plan
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Once you have implemented your strategy, you may wish to continue with a regular support package.


Whether you opt for the Springboard or the Deep Dive, we can provide monthly support so you can maintain the momentum you’ve established. You can choose the amount and type of support you’d like, depending on your needs.

Your options include:

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    Articles for your newsletter
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    Support for champions
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    Support for mental health first aiders
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    Advice on wellbeing interventions
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    Attendance at meetings with HR, Health & Safety, or others
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    Discounts on workshops and training events


Being part of a microbusiness can be overwhelming. You’re often covering more than one role, and if you’re a sole trader – doing everything. This can lead to feelings of stress and that you can’t see the wood for the trees.

Through 121 support and workshops, we will support you to make sustainable changes to your lifestyle and way you work to help boost your energy, give you clarity in decision making and help you get work life harmony.

Free consultation!

07876 754645